Together with Debate Mate, we invited students in Years 11-13 to take part in our Virtual Debate Competition.
The Virtual Debate Competition took place from 24-26 February 2023. It was open to all COBIS schools, including Applicant schools, and we were delighted to have 35 teams from 27 schools in 18 countries take part this year.
Over three days, students had the opportunity to showcase their debating skills and compete against their international peers through live debates on Zoom. Students received high quality and extensive feedback from expert judges after each debate, allowing them to improve and practise their skills.
Preparing for and engaging in logical and stimulating debate is an excellent way for students to cultivate skills such as critical thinking, communication, teamwork and the ability to respect opinions that differ from their own; an aptitude that is ever-important in a changing world. Participating in this competition is an excellent opportunity for students to exercise these skills and develop them further.
Congratulations to Dubai College for winning this year's Virtual Debate Competition! Dubai College won a well-debated Final against Meadow Hall School, arguing in favour of the motion: This House would use Artificial Intelligence to make political decisions.
The following prepared and impromptu motions were debated:
Debate 1: This House believes that streaming platforms have done more harm than good for the music industry
Debate 2: (Unseen) This House supports one universal language
Debate 3: This House believes community service is a better punishment than prison for non-violent crimes
Debate 4: (Unseen) This House believes that humans should focus on building a civilisation on another planet rather than fixing the problems on earth
Quarter Finals: This house believes that we should focus on carbon off-setting over CO2 emission reduction to achieve net zero
Semi Finals: (Unseen) This house believes that the best way to prepare for the future is to study the past
Final: (Unseen) This House would use Artificial Intelligence to make political decisions
Thank you to Debate Mate for hosting our 2022-23 Virtual Debate Competition!