Safeguarding in Schools
We believe that children, young people and vulnerable adults should never experience abuse of any kind. We have an unfaltering commitment to promote the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults to keep them safe. COBIS is committed to reducing risk connected to all safeguarding and child protection matters.
Hear about how our schools benefit from our safeguarding support in the video below
We’re committed to promoting and encouraging the highest standards of safeguarding and child protection in member schools and Supporting Associates as a requirement of continuing membership, through the provision of a variety of services and resources:
Safer Recruitment
Safeguarding Resources
International Child Protection Certificate
Safeguarding Training
We are proud to be a founding member of the International Task Force on Child Protection.
We are also proud to be the ICPC Global Ambassador.
The termly Safeguarding Update provides the latest news and resources to support schools around the world.
Sign up to the newsletter here by selecting the 'Safeguarding' option.