As much as it is important to tailor an international school’s policies and procedures to accommodate and incorporate the culture, values and regulations of the country in which the school is located, it is also vital for British international schools to know what is happening in the education sector back in Britain. There have been some significant changes to funded training in England for school leaders in 2021.
Delivered by Real Group, this webinar aims to help British international schools keep up-to-date with these latest school leadership changes from the Department for Education (DfE). What are the funded courses? What does this mean for leadership roles in schools in England and in international settings? What skills are being encouraged and developed?
This update is hosted by two Educational Psychologists and directors of Real Group who have worked in and with British and international schools for decades. It will include their knowledge, reflections and experience of:
- What a Senior Mental Health Lead role is in schools. Should all international schools have this role?
- The aim of the new qualifications for school Senior Mental Health Leads
- Why the DfE changed the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) framework
- How the new NPQs can support international schools
- How the changes in the school leadership agenda in the UK may impact international schools