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10 Questions with...Helen Rigelsford
  • 10 Questions

Helen Rigelsford is the Designated Safeguarding Lead at The British School of Amsterdam.

1. What is the most rewarding part of your job?

As a DSL I find that seeing children and families flourish when the appropriate help is offered to them is very rewarding. Everyone needs people in their lives who care about them, listen to them, and can offer support or signpost to other agencies when help is needed. I also love working as part of a safeguarding team within school and having the trust in one another to face difficult situations together.

2.What/who inspires you? 

My daughter and my foster daughters - for their determination, empathy, resilience and ability to laugh even in difficult times.

My colleagues - who work so very hard to get to know our pupils, understand their needs, and be there for them through thick and thin.

And one child, early in my teaching career, a four year old boy - about whom I felt in my gut that things were not good at home, but at a time when I didn’t have the knowledge, tools or systems to seek the support he needed. I often think of him and wonder how he is doing. When there is a complex situation to address now I am grateful that I have the opportunity to do more than I did back then.

3. Which living person do you most admire? 

Ruby Tui - she plays rugby for the Black Ferns in New Zealand and is a fantastic player and person! She did not have an easy childhood. Despite this she is full of optimism and care for others and puts time and energy into campaigning for better mental health awareness.

4. What is the best part of your day?

It varies depending on the time of year. In the summer I like the early mornings - waking up to birdsong, the bicycle ride to school, the breeze from an open window. At this time of year though it is cosy evenings with candlelight (and soon the Christmas tree and carols).

5. Which talent would you most like to have?  

The ability to work easily with a variety of I.T. systems and adapt in an instant to changes in I.T. I must be the thorn in the sides of our IT team because I am not a natural when it comes to anything technical and am hugely appreciative of their help and positive encouragement!

6. What is your favourite thing about the country you live in now?

The city I live in - Amsterdam - the canals, the bridges, the street cafes and restaurants, flower stalls on street corners, its multicultural nature and general ‘gezelligheid’

7. What do you consider your greatest achievement? 

Adopting my daughter, Lily, from China when she was a baby. And completing the adoption process as a single foreigner - something the adoption agency was not at all prepared for! Seeing her blossom into the amazing 18 year old she is today is a privilege and joy. 

8. What part of the COBIS network do you value most?

I really value the COBIS ConnectED sessions for DSLs/Safeguarding Leads. They happen two or three times a year and I always come away from them feeling invigorated with new ideas and recognising that the challenges we face here are often the same as, or similar to, those faced by DSLs elsewhere in the world.

9. What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t let what other people think of you determine your self worth or hold you back in life.

10. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

That I am an armchair sports lover (sadly no longer a player of sport, though I loved netball and rounders when I was younger) my favourites being tennis, rugby and rugby sevens!

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