COBIS Supporting Associate Status

COBIS Supporting Associate status is open to manufacturers and suppliers of educational materials and equipment, publishers of textbooks and educational books, and companies and consultants providing services to international schools. COBIS Supporting Associates benefit from a wide range of services provided by COBIS, many at reduced rates. A full summary of the benefits is available here.

COBIS accepts applications to become a Supporting Associate throughout the year. Please note that from 1 January 2020, new associate applications will be subject to the pro-rated 2019/20 subscription fee plus the full fee for the 2020/21 academic year, which is £685 +VAT. Please contact Natalie Williams - - for more information.

A survey with existing Supporting Associates in March 2020 found that:

  • 90% of Supporting Associates said they had generated new business or made new contacts in the international school sector as a result of joining COBIS.
  • 70% would recommend COBIS Supporting Associate subscription to colleagues and many said that they already have.
  • 70% of those who responded said they were planning to renew their subscription next year.

    To apply to become COBIS Supporting Associate, please select 'Start your application' from the menu on the left-hand side.