School Member News
COBIS Annual Research Survey 2015 - Share Your School's Story...
**DEADLINE APPROACHING** - Friday 13 November 2015

The deadline is fast approaching for the COBIS Annual Research Survey, delivered in partnership with GL Education. To allow more schools to complete the survey to benefit both their schools and all COBIS schools, we have extended the deadline for submitting your school's details to Friday 13 November 2015.
All COBIS School heads received an email on the 5 October from GL Education in conjunction with this launch. This email included unique login details to access the COBIS Annual Research Survey. If you need a reminder of your log in details, please email GL Education:
This is an exciting project which will help COBIS to develop a better understanding of the growing global COBIS family of schools, as well as the British international school sector as a whole. The results will support lobbying activities, inform planning for future CPD events, and help facilitate increased school-to-school networking, communication and support. Participating schools will have the opportunity to access benchmarking data as well as tailored reports for Senior Management Teams and Governors.
Last year, 47% of schools responded to the survey. This year we would like schools to help us reach a target of at least 65% participation. For more information, please click here.
COBIS and The Day Collaboration

In an effort to continue bringing new and beneficial services to our members we are happy to announce a special partnership with COBIS Supporting Members The Day. The Day is a London-based daily news service for schools that aims to engage students with the wider world and develop their critical thinking skills. In an exciting collaboration with this news service, The Day COBIS will feature online news articles and features for the classroom and form time every day. This is a great resource for teachers, students and parents alike. The Day COBIS keeps students abreast of the latest news making sharing current affairs with students accessible and exciting. It is invaluable for keeping staff and students in touch with current issues and debates and effortlessly connects work within school to the wide community of the world at large. For more information, please click here.
As a COBIS member, you have a free 40-day free trial subscription to both The Day COBIS and The Day Primary COBIS – their service for primary and junior schools. Any COBIS school that wishes to subscribe after this period will receive an additional 10% off the standard price. In order to start using The Day COBIS and The Day Primary COBIS in your school, you will be contacted shortly with a your unique school username and password.
For further information please contact Maria at The Day or Sakina Zafar, COBIS Academic Officer.
COBIS Head Office Visit Annual Conference 2016 Venue 
Last month, staff from COBIS Head Office were delighted to visit the InterContinental London - The O2, the confirmed venue for the COBIS Annual Conference 2016. Sakina Zafar, Catriona Lawless and Amy Carter took a tour around the recently built hotel and can be seen in the photo (right) in the Clipper Bar, where delegates and exhibitors will enjoy spectacular views across the river to Canary Wharf and the East India Dock. Following a very constructive day, we are looking forward to sharing Annual Conference details with members in the coming months.
Calling Schools to Help COBIS Decorate Head Office in London

COBIS are calling schools to help them decorate their new Head Office in Russell Square. We would like to invite schools to submit one high resolution photo which captures their school spirit. This can be an existing photo or you can get creative to produce this – we are particularly interested in photos which include students, diversity and/or highlight your school’s unique location in the world. The schools with the best photos will be announced in next month’s Connect and their photos will be printed to go on our walls. Please send one high resolution photo to Natalie Friend by Thursday 26 November 2015.
(Photo credits: Supporting Members John Catt for WorldStudent Magazine)
Deadline Approaching for Students to Submit Articles for COBIS WorldStudent Magazine

Would your students love an opportunity to have their articles published on an international scale and to share their stories with fellow international school students around the world? The deadline is approaching for students to submit articles for the January 2016 issue - please submit by 16 November 2015.
The editorial team are particularly looking for articles about the Student Leadership Weekend in Madrid, Student Photographers, Alumni Interviews and General News. For more information about submissions, please click here to download the WorldStudent Information Pack for Students and feel free to print this off to share with students.
Please email Samantha Wilkins- if you have any questions or would like to submit an article. The deadline for articles is 16 November 2015.
COBIS Intern Secures Full Time Employment in London
Tamsin Gordon, previous COBIS International Marketing Intern, was delighted to share that she has secured a full time position as Partner Support Assistant at Not On The High Street in London, an online retail organisation which support growing small businesses. COBIS would like to congratulate Tamsin on her post-internship employment success.
COBIS School Members - Staff Changes
Additionally to the Welcome List sent out in previous Connect newsletters, COBIS is pleased to also welcome the following Principals and Headteachers to COBIS schools. We look forward to working with you:
Mrs Roselyn Igbinosa - Acorns and Oaks Academy
COBIS reminds all member schools to notify us of changes to their administrative and senior leadership staff. This will help us to keep key staff up to date with the latest COBIS developments and make it easier to facilitate dialogue with the appropriate person in each school. To inform us of any changes, please email
New COBIS School Members
Greenoak International School

COBIS is delighted to welcome a new member school in Nigeria to the COBIS family of schools. Greenoak International School has recently been approved as a COBIS Member following a successful membership application to the COBIS Membership Committee.
COBIS would like to welcome staff and students at Greenoak International School into membership. We look forward to working with you.
Nord Anglia International School Dubai

COBIS would like to welcome a Nord Anglia International School Dubai into membership. The school is the ninth COBIS member school in Dubai and the thirteenth Nord Anglia school to join our association.
The school opened in September 2014 and has over 1,000 pupils on role. On behalf of COBIS, we would like to congratulate the school on achieving COBIS Member status and we look forward to working with you.
Congratulations to our COBIS Accredited Member Schools
COBIS would like to congratulate the following schools which have been approved for COBIS Accredited Membership following successful BSO inspections:
King’s College Murcia, Spain
Professional Development
CPD Needs Analysis
We would like to thank all schools who completed the online CPD questionnaire. All responding schools were entered into a draw to win a free one-year subscription to The Day COBIS - an online teaching resource for schools designed to develop students' critical thinking and engagement with the curriculum through international news. This marks the beginning of an exciting partnership between COBIS and the Day - please see here for more information.
The winners of the draw are:
- New Cairo British International School
- The British International School Yangon
- British Embassy School, Ankara
- New School Rome
- Kings College School, La Moraleja
Congratulations to these five schools who will have received an email with more information about their free subscription.
If you have not already completed the questionnaire and would like to do so, we are still accepting CPD feedback and suggestions for future events - please click here to complete this. Please feel free to forward this link to anyone within your school who has responsibility for Professional Development; we are happy to receive multiple submissions from schools.
We know how busy you all are, but we hope that you will take the time to help us ensure that the COBIS Professional Development programme meets the needs of you and your school. Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
2015/16 COBIS CPD Calendar
The 2015/16 COBIS CPD Calendar includes a range of courses and conferences for:
Please click here for a list of the high-quality professional development opportunities that COBIS will be running for the next Academic Year 2015/16. Booking is open for the conferences below:
November 2015
March 2016
Recent CPD Events
Students from Around the World Attend COBIS/King's Group Student Leadership Weekend 2015
COBIS and King's Group welcomed student leaders from 13 COBIS schools to the COBIS/King's Group Student Leadership Weekend hosted by King's College, Madrid - 9-11 October 2015. 29 students from schools in 9 countries attended the conference which included workshops and sessions from leading speakers on What is Student Leadership?, Social Media Challenge, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills and more.
COBIS CPD and Events Officer, Amy Carter, attended the event and was delighted to see COBIS student leaders fully engage and immerse themselves in the programme as well as having an opportunity to meet and network with fellow students from around the world. Alongside the inspiring and interactive sessions, King's Group colleagues delivered a Wide Game: 1920s Themed Murder Mystery Challenge which was a particular hit with the students who paired off to unscramble the riddles and solve the mystery. We would like to thank colleagues at King's Group for organising this hugely successful event.
To view photos of the event, please see our Flickr page and our Facebook page.
To view videos of the Student Leadership Weekend, produced by the students, please see our YouTube Channel.
COBIS EYFS Conference takes place at British Embassy School Ankara

The first COBIS EYFS Conference for Teachers and Support Staff working in the Early Years was held at the British Embassy School Ankara 23-24 October 2015. The conference was an enormous success with 37 delegates from over 10 schools attending to engage, learn and share experiences.
8 speakers gave sessions on a range of interactive workshops and seminars including Little Einsteins: Scientific Discovery in the Early Years, Preschool Teaching with Lego, Using Tablets in the Early Years, Dance & Movement Pedagogy, Making Maths Magic and many more.
Alongside networking sessions built in to the programme, delegates, exhibitors and guests also had an opportunity to share good practice and get to know fellow international colleagues at a Cocktail Reception at the Ambassador's Residence, British Embassy and a traditional Turkish-themed Gala Dinner organised by the school.
COBIS would like to thank colleagues at the British Embassy School Ankara for hosting a brilliant first COBIS EYFS Conference.
Pictured above right: delegates enjoying Helen Battelley's Music and Movement session.
Forthcoming Conferences
3rd COBIS Conference for Marketing, Development and Admissions Staff
21-22 March 2016
The Prague British School, Czech Republic
COBIS is pleased to announce that booking is now open for the 3rd COBIS Conference for Marketing, Development and Admissions Staff, which will be hosted by The Prague British School 21-22 March 2016. This two-day training and networking event is open to delegates from COBIS Member and non-Member schools worldwide. This CPD event will be of interest to:
- Marketing and Development Staff
- Admissions Staff
- External Relations Staff
- Alumni Relations Staff
- Bursars/Business Managers with responsibility for marketing, development or admissions
- Heads or Deputy Heads with responsibility for marketing, development or admissions
The programme will include a mixture of plenary sessions and break-out sessions as well as opportunities for networking and sharing experience. The sessions will cover a range of topics including, Marketing and Admissions for British International Schools, Sales for non sales people, Crisis Communications, Managing the admissions process, Event Planning – theory and practice, Alumni relations from beginners to advanced, Fundraising from beginners to advanced, School Websites and Social Media and The Marketing and Admissions office as part of the school.
In light of the feedback from previous delegates, there will also be a COBIS Spark Session and a Pre-conference cultural day tour on Sunday 20 March.
The Early Bird Delegate Fee (booked before 31 December 2015) is €350 for COBIS Members; €450 for non-COBIS Members.
To book your place, please click here. For more information about the conference including travel and accommodation details, please click here.
2nd COBIS Conference for Bursars, Business Managers and HR Staff
20-21 November 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands
The booking deadline is approaching for the second COBIS Conference for Bursars, Business Managers and HR Staff in British International Schools, which will be held at The British School in The Netherlands, 20-21 November 2015. This two-day training and networking event will include plenary sessions and practical workshops on a range of topics: Strategic planning & management; School budgeting; Developing school management; Recruitment solutions; Schools of the future and more. The conference is sponsored by WCBS International. The delegate fee is €350 for COBIS Members and €450 for non-COBIS Members. For further details and booking forms, please click here.

COBIS/King's Professional Development Weekend, Madrid, Spain
6-7 November 2015
King's College, Madrid
Teachers and Teaching Assistants from Primary and Secondary Schools will be attending the COBIS/King's Group Professional Development Weekend, hosted by King's College, Madrid this weekend. Building on the success of previous Teachers' Conferences hosted by King's Group, this 2-day event includes a host of excellent speakers and workshop presenters. This year’s Keynote speaker is Mungo Dunnett who will be giving a plenary session on “Key Determinants of Parental Satisfaction with Private Schools”. With over 30 educational experts, trainers and facilitators involved, the Professional Development Weekend offers something for everyone and we hope that all delegates enjoy the range of sessions and activities. For more information, please click here. To view the conference programme, please click here.

COBIS Student Competitions and Events
To read the October 2015 COBIS Competition and Events Newsletter, please click here.
Student Competition and Events Dates For Your Diary 2015/2016
Below are the dates and deadlines for all COBIS Competitions and Events for the next academic year:
Spring Term
Summer Term
COBIS Primary Creative Challenge
The theme for this year's COBIS Primary Creative Challenge is "Let's Celebrate". Schools are invited to submit a video illustrating a celebration or festival that is unique to the country or region their school is based in. For example, schools in the United States of America could submit a film of their Thanksgiving Celebration, a school in India could show us Diwali and schools in China could showcase Chinese New Year.
For more information on the Primary Creative Challenge, please click here. The closing date is Friday 15 January 2016.
COBIS Model United Nations

We are pleased to announce that the first COBIS-MUN will be hosted by the International British School of Bucharest in Romania from 3-6 March 2016.
The COBIS-MUN offers students from COBIS Schools worldwide the opportunity to come together for a common purpose, to discuss important issues that face our world today. This event will offer students the opportunity to intellectually engage with other like-minded people while developing key skills, including debating, critical and creative thinking, and the art of compromise, which are increasingly necessary in the world today.
**Late Applications Still Accepted**
If you are an EU based school and your school would like to attend the inaugural COBIS-MUN, please complete the School Registration Form, returning it by 15 December 2015 at the very latest, along with the Delegate Forms. A letter of acceptance will be sent out by 19 December 2015 requiring you to pay the €150 registration fee and the individual delegate fees by 15 January 2016 at the very latest to secure your place at the COBIS-MUN in March.
COBIS Senior School Music Festival - **Location Announced**

COBIS is happy to announce that the second COBIS Senior School Music Festival will take place at The British School in The Netherlands from 27 – 29 May 2016. More information on this event will be uploaded to the COBIS website within the next week. If you are interested in taking part in the COBIS Senior School Music Festival, please email Catriona Lawless at COBIS Head Office for more information.
COBIS Poetry Competition
This year, COBIS students are challenged to write, in 40 lines or less, a poem on "Journeys".
The closing date for this competition is Friday 11 March 2016. Students can start writing now and poems can be submitted on the Student Poetry Competition page of the COBIS website.
The winning students will have their poems published in COBIS World Student Magazine and will receive a prize, kindly provided by John Catt Educational.
COBIS Art Competition
Following the success of last year's competition, the COBIS Art Competition is back for a second year with the option to enter into a group category within each of the four age groups.
This year's theme is "A Room With a View" and we are very excited to see the entries start to come in. More information on submitting a student's entry can be found on the Art Competition page of the COBIS website.
The closing date for this competition is Wednesday 20 April 2016.

News From COBIS Schools Around the World
World Champion Boxer Amir Khan and HRH Countess of Wessex Visit Doha College

International boxing sensation Amir Khan urged Doha College students to work hard to fulfil their dreams during an exciting visit to the Al Waab campus last month. Mr Khan, the current holder of the WBC silver welterweight belt, dedicated an hour of his time to meet and answer questions from Doha College secondary students, his sole school visit while in Qatar. Principal Dr Steffen Sommer said, “I want to thank boxing champion Amir Khan and financial advisory firm Globaleye Qatar for their time today... Amir is an excellent role model for our students—he is extremely active in youth sports and is working through the Amir Khan Foundation to assist underprivileged children in West Africa."
Mr Khan said he chose to visit Doha College as it was a world-class education institution, “Doha College is an extremely well respected education provider,” Mr Khan said, “the motto at Doha College is Excellence for All, Excellence from All, which reinforces a focus on identifying and unlocking every student’s potential. This is similar to my training philosophy as I am forever striving to further identify and unlock my boxing potential to enable me to become the very best I can be.” To read the full report including photos, please click here. Photo top right: Amir Khan and student Kartik Sharma pose for the ultimate selfie.

Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie, Countess of Wessex (pictured right with students) has praised the efforts of students and teachers at Doha College taking part in the International Duke of Edinburgh Awards during a visit to the school’s Al Waab campus last month. HRH Countess of Wessex, who was in Doha as part of a four-day trip to the country, is the global ambassador for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. Doha College Principal Dr Steffen Sommer said the students were thrilled with the visit, the first since 2001. “It was a great privilege to host Her Royal Highness at Doha College and I am confident her visit will be remembered by the students all their lives,” Dr Sommer said.
Students from The British School in Tokyo Meet Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
Sixth Form History and Politics students from The British School in Tokyo were invited to meet Boris Johnson, Mayor of London last month. The students were invited to the event, also attended by Boris, to represent their school as the current British 'Company of the Year' in Japan. They talked with him for some time, mostly about the school and the 2019 Rugby World Cup/2020 Olympics. The students found Boris very entertaining and engaging - "very 'Boris-like' in fact!"
Incredibly, in the past few weeks, students have also met Jenson Button, the Nobel Prize winning geneticist Sir Paul Nurse - all through the school's close association with the Embassy and the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan.
England Cricketer Samit Patel visits Dubai College
Dubai College had the pleasure of welcoming the England cricketer, Samit Patel to their school on Wednesday 7 October. Samit joined the cricket team in their training session and offered the school’s budding sportsmen of the future some sound tips and advice. Pictured right: Samit Patel is joined by a student for a photo.
Success for Aloha College at International Schools' Basketball Tournament
On 15 October the Year 6 Basketball teams at Aloha College competed in the International Schools Basketball Tournament at Swans School. After an incredible day of sporting triumph, Aloha College won every game to become champions of both the A and B leagues. This had never been achieved before in this competition and the school extended a huge congratulations to Adrián Albouhair, Adrián Llorente, Fiorella Santa Cruz, Polina Dolgikh, Alberto Díaz, Ginés García, Sofía Elgaily, Juan Fernández, Alejandra Aguado, Saveliy Rukhmanov, María Sanz and Alexey Gudkov.
Alice Smith Celebrates 70 Great Years

The Alice Smith School, Malaysia, will celebrate 70 years in 2016. The school was started by Mrs Alice Smith at her home in Jalan Eaton, Kuala Lumpur, in 1946. At the end of the Second World War, Mrs Smith started teaching her own daughter and soon attracted a loyal following of other expatriate children.
The school looks forward to commemorating its 70th Anniversary Celebrations in 2016, with a series of events. To kick-start with a bang, the school will be hosting a 70th Anniversary Alumni Get-together in London on 16th January 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends as well as making new contacts.
Roger Schultz (photo right with alumni), Head of School, said “The 70th year milestone is a great time to celebrate our past, present and future. Though Alice Smith boasts a number of recognisable names amongst its list of former students, we are extremely proud of all our alumni!”
70 Scholarships Awarded for IB Online

70 high school students from 28 schools around the world, including a COBIS accredited member school, are this year studying in the most innovative and global way possible thanks to receiving two-year digital learning scholarships. The students, who are all studying the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, have been awarded scholarships to study one of their subject choices online. They include two students from Halcyon London International School in the UK.
Instead of learning in the traditional classroom setting, these students will join online classes and learn alongside classmates all over the world. They will use some of the very latest education technology to participate in lessons and to communicate and collaborate with peers and teachers.
“It really is a cool way to learn!” said US student Alexander Roman. He spent the last two years studying one of his IB Diploma courses online and, this summer, was accepted by all 20 US colleges and universities that he applied to including Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Cornell. More information about learning online with the IB Diploma Programme is available at

COBIS Services
COBIS Governors
COBIS can support member schools to attract credible school governors to strengthen their Boards. For more information, the COBIS Code of Good Governance can be found here. If you are interested in becoming a potential school governor please complete the online registration form here.
COBIS offers governance training and support to member schools and individuals through the COBIS Consultancy Service. Training is delivered by approved COBIS Consultants who are all quality assured. Please see below for more information.
COBIS Consultancy Service

If your school has specific CPD needs that would be best addressed by having training delivered by an external trainer or consultant in your school, then the COBIS Consultancy Service can help. COBIS Schools can submit a request for consultancy or training via the COBIS website. The consultancy request will be shared with some of the quality-assured consultants and training providers in the COBIS database and the school will then receive proposals from individuals or companies who would be able to deliver the training within the school’s proposed budget and timeline. There is no cost for COBIS Schools wishing to use this service.
COBIS Consultancy can also offer schools support with BSO inspections. This can include a mock run through BSO inspection in preparation for the real event.
For more information visit the COBIS website or email
COBIS Leadership Mentoring and Support Service
For Senior Leaders looking for more tailored, personalised CPD, the Leadership Mentoring and Support Service offers the opportunity to work with a trained mentor with successful experience of the professional challenges in the international school environment. For more information visit the COBIS website or email
COBIS Lobbying
DfE Response to Access to Key Stage 2 SATs Papers
COBIS has received information from the Department for Education (DfE) Standards and Testing Agency (STA) regarding access to the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests. COBIS has corresponded with members of the DfE about changes to the way in which National Curriculum test materials are to be made available to international schools. Last year, the publication of the assessment materials onto an open website posed significant challenges to our schools. For example, some members reported that parents were able to find the papers online before pupils had sat the exam. This is clearly unacceptable and COBIS has acted on members’ behalf to find improved ways for international schools to access these papers. The DfE has reviewed our comments in detail and discussed the points raised by COBIS with key members of their team. For the full update, please click here.
DfE Response to Access to Key Stage 1 SATs Papers
Key Stage 1 SAT materials are released as soon as possible after the tests have been administered in schools in England. The materials cannot be made available until all schools in England have completed the tests so the materials cannot be released earlier than the date specified.
Please see information below from the DfE sent to all International Schools:
How to Access the 2016 National Curriculum Assessment Materials:
International schools will be able to download 2016 test materials from the GOV.UK website.
Phonics Screening Check
The scoring guidance, pupils' materials, practice sheet and answer sheet will be available on GOV.UK from Monday 27 June 2016, once the check administration window has closed.
Key Stage 1 Tests
Key stage 1 test materials will be made available on GOV.UK once the key stage 1 test administration window has closed in June 2016.
Key Stage 2 Tests
Test papers will be available from Monday 23 May 2016 , on GOV.UK after the national curriculum tests have been administered in England. Mark schemes and raw score to scaled score conversion tables will be made available on GOV.UK from Tuesday 5 July 2016.
Go to: National curriculum assessments: 2016 sample materials
Colin Bell Attends Reception for Launch of Doing Business in UAE 
Colin Bell, COBIS CEO, was delighted to attend the reception for the launch of the guidebook "Doing Business in UAE" last month. The event, which was co-hosted by the UAE Ministry of Economy and the Institute of Export took place on the 23 October 2015 in London and His Excellency Eng. Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori, UAE Minister of Economy gave a keynote address.