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This blog is a DEIJ case study from COBIS Member DSB International School, Mumbai.
- Insurance
While premiums for certain health insurance policies may be expensive due to additional coverage or other benefits, they are worth considering as they will ensure teachers stay healthy and their finances are safe from unexpected out-of-pocket medical expenses they can’t afford, writes Pierre de Mirman, Deputy Global CEO at Pacific Prime.
- Schools
The Winstedt School, Singapore shares how psychologists, counsellors and therapists are involved in all aspects of the school day, providing skills and tools that are relevant to every student through their unique integrated therapy model.
- Classroom Teaching
- Professional Development
- Teacher Training
Janette Quinn, Director of Education and Professional Learning at COBIS shares insights about the journey of CPECT, its fundamentals, and what to expect from the programme.
- Schools
COBIS has sent a letter of welcome to the new Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP, which you can read here. Ms Phillipson appeared in a recent live stream Q&A hosted by the Department for Education, which COBIS has summarised in this blog.
- Leadership
- Professional Development
We spoke to Jeremy Newton, Senior Principal at Misk International School for Boys and Girls, a COBIS Applicant School, about their recent undertaking of the COBIS Programme for Middle Leaders (CPML), which was delivered to their staff in both Arabic and English for the first time.
- Schools
Tarabya English Schools organized an event in the garden of the British Consulate on the occasion of its 11th anniversary.
- Recruitment
- Teacher Supply
Earlier this month, on the day of the UK general election, NASBTT (The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers) published a manifesto: The Future of Initial Teacher Training: How can we attract more people to the teaching profession and support school-based ITT providers to deliver high-quality training?NASBTT make a series of recommendations, around making teacher training affordable, tackling public perceptions about teaching, incentivising schools to engage with Initial Teacher Training, building mentoring capacity with a funded Teacher Professional Development Lead for all schools, and finding ways to implement flexible working.