CONFIRMATION - NQT Induction in Qualifying COBIS British Schools Overseas (BSO)
Posted 14/02/2013 03:35PM

As a result of successful COBIS lobbying, I am delighted to share with you excellent news regarding NQT induction.

Following due Parliamentary process changes have now been made and confirmed at regulation level so that qualifying COBIS schools will be able to access, support and deliver NQT induction from 1 September 2012.

Download the final NQT induction statutory document. Sections 2.1 and 2.4 relate to BSO.

Qualifying COBIS schools will need to have successfully completed a BSO inspection by one of the 6 DfE approved inspectorates.

Next steps for schools wishing to deliver NQT induction:

If your school meets the criteria (or if you would like to find out more) and you are interested in delivering NQT induction from September 2012 onwards please contact IStip directly.

Judith Fenn, Executive Director, IStip
23 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2QP
0203 586 3137

Further information can be found through Judith’s presentation from the 2012 COBIS annual conference

Thank you for your support with the lobbying process and for contributing to the online DfE consultation. This is much appreciated.

As an association we have every reason to celebrate. This is a clear recognition from the DfE that COBIS schools are schools of global quality.